DOG GUARD® by Quench understands: Your dog is family.
Dog Guard by Quench knows just how important it is that your dog leads a safe and happy life. Dog Guard “Out of Sight Fencing” allows your dog the freedom he deserves and provides you with peace of mind. Dog Guard Out-of-Sight Electronic Dog Fencing is a safe, affordable alternative to conventional fencing.
Dog Guard Out-of-Sight Electronic Dog Fencing is veterinarian-approved combination of animal training and state-of-the art electronics. Dog Guard Out-of-Sight Electronic Dog Fencing is a unique 2 zone T-4 transmitter allows a wide variety of corrections to be set for your pet at the transmitter depending on your dog and it’s temperament.

We Love Your Dog Too!
Dog Guard Out-of-Sight Electronic Dog Fencing offers a “Trade-Up” Program: Trade Up Special Offers. Find the best solutions to keep your dog from roaming! At Dog Guard we know that contained pets are happier pets. Give your dog the freedom to run and play with boundaries and no fencing to maintain.
Check out the great reviews! Dog Guard Out-of-Sight Electronic Dog Fencing is on Yelp and offers the most satisfied customer reviews on the web. Please share our information with your friends & family, and on social sites like Facebook. The Dog Guard testimonials will give you the confidence you need to invite us over to meet your dog and discuss your indoor and outdoor electronic pet fence needs.
And as always we try to add useful links to trusted places for your pet as we find them. Useful Links are just a way for us to be connected with some of the other services in South Hackensack that may be useful for you to be aware of as a loving dog owner or aspiring dog owner!
Dog Guard by Quench is a proud distributor of Dog Guard Electric Dog Fence products. Proudly made in the USA.
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